
I’m on Cool Tools!

I was on Kevin Kelly’s Cool Tools podcast! (link in bio to the YouTube video and podcast link)! I share some tools I use to force creativity into my life. Kevin also shares a rad art project.

This is a great reminder for me to “just go for it” more often. I convinced myself I didn’t have anything to share for five months before finally applying to be on the show.

You can also check out the audio-only player and subscribe to the podcast over on Kevin’s website:


Making Problems to Solve

My dear friend and collaborator Taylor Hokanson and I were guests on David Bauer‘s “Making Problems to Solve” podcast. It was really excellent spending time with Dave and talking about learning, teaching, making things, inspirations, and all the different communities we participate in. Check out the episode! A huge thank you to Dave for having us on. Podcast hosting is a massive amount of work!


A little 10 minute talk

I know you’ve been searching the internet for a 10-minute talk about my work, speculative design, design fictions, speculative histories, anarchist collectives, pirate radio, collective ideation frameworks, and teaching. *does the math…* That’s aboooouuuut 75 seconds per topic. Ha!


Woop! I Did an Artist Talk at the RAFFMA!

Hi! I gave an artist talk at the RAFFMA on Thursday, October 13th, 2022. Please check it out! Adventures in pirate radio, augmented reality, cassette tapes, and 3D printing!

1:24 scale models of a makeshift skatepark in the upper levels of the Memphis Pyramid.