I also just checked it out of the library.

I also just checked it out of the library.
My dear friend and collaborator Taylor Hokanson and I were guests on David Bauer‘s “Making Problems to Solve” podcast. It was really excellent spending time with Dave and talking about learning, teaching, making things, inspirations, and all the different communities we participate in. Check out the episode! A huge thank you to Dave for having us on. Podcast hosting is a massive amount of work!
I know you’ve been searching the internet for a 10-minute talk about my work, speculative design, design fictions, speculative histories, anarchist collectives, pirate radio, collective ideation frameworks, and teaching. *does the math…* That’s aboooouuuut 75 seconds per topic. Ha!
I really enjoyed this episode of Metamuse. Adam Wiggens (@_adamwiggins_), Mark McGranaghan (@mmcgrana) chat with guest Weiwei Xu (@weiweiwei33) It was cool hearing about Xu’s Sprout adventures and her interest in designing for what I’ve always called “creative inclusivity,” in product design. Product design frameworks should always empower people to apply their own experimentation, modification, and play to their experience of our work. To disallow it is hostility on our friends.
…and can we make places online that feel more like our living room or our bedroom rather than this giant lobby or this giant stadium that nobody really belongs to but is big enough for anyone, and everyone, to come through.
Weiwei Xu on Metamuse episode 39