
This book cover goes so hard.

I also just checked it out of the library.

Book cover for the Deep Black: Space Espionage and National Security. The cover shows a neon blue globe with lat and long lines. A pyramidal shape extends from a bright red country and displays a cube of the terrain.

“Something that stimulates the music in the measure.”

WNYC’s “On the Media” skeezes me out a bit, but I’m excited that Micah Loewinger and Dan Charnas share the deep genius of Prince Paul and De La Soul’s creativity, the beauty of sampling and the evil that is copyright law in “The Case for Legalizing Sampling.” In this episode, Dan unfurls the awesomeness of De La Soul’s The Magic Number.

“It’s based on a sample of Schoolhouse Rock, and then they’re getting it to talk to Johnny Cash which is talking to Eddie Murphy in this track… and that really is the moment that cracks open this idea of how you can use this music to talk to culture, to talk to the future, to speak to the present.”

Thanks to Marc Weidenbaum‘s This Week in Sound for pointing me to the On the Media podcast episode.

R.I.P. Trugoy the Dove


Which Bill Orcut Album Are You?

The last three Bill Orcutt releases could be a pop psychology poll. (stated with 100% enthusiasm for Bill’s creativity.)

Please purchase one or more of Bill’s sonic wonders over at his Fake Estates label.

Which Bill Orcutt Album Are You?


Ettore Sottsass

I connected with Ettore Sottsass‘s designs through his work within the Memphis Group. I have yet to find an interview where he didn’t seem one-half asleep and one-half distracted. This makes me like him even more.


Designing for Creative Inclusivity

I really enjoyed this episode of Metamuse. Adam Wiggens (@_adamwiggins_), Mark McGranaghan (@mmcgrana) chat with guest Weiwei Xu (@weiweiwei33) It was cool hearing about Xu’s Sprout adventures and her interest in designing for what I’ve always called “creative inclusivity,” in product design. Product design frameworks should always empower people to apply their own experimentation, modification, and play to their experience of our work. To disallow it is hostility on our friends.

…and can we make places online that feel more like our living room or our bedroom rather than this giant lobby or this giant stadium that nobody really belongs to but is big enough for anyone, and everyone, to come through.

Weiwei Xu on Metamuse episode 39

“Hello Blender” and World Documents

I’ve been spending the day uploading introductory Blender videos to my “Pixel, Vectors, and Voxels” YouTube playlist and thinking about Matt Webb’s * mental note: spelled with two tees two bees * Interconnected post “Sending lo-fi virtual realities to aliens and also to each other.” Matt ideates,

Instead of preparing a Google Doc, why not build a miniature explorable world? Not VR in photorealistic 3D, but a virtual reality of (mainly) text.

Matt Webb in “Sending lo-fi virtual realities to aliens and also to each other”

and it makes me think about Yoon Park‘s “Type in Space” text/typography-based work for HoloLens 2.

It would be fun to be able to send someone a text message or email that has spatial awareness.

  • A reminder to pick up 🥑 by their door. 🚪
  • A cake emoji 🎂 by their clock on their birthday. ⏰
  • A dirty joke every time they flush the toilet 🚽

This would require some sort of very low friction and also very precise spatial permissions structure. Hrmm… 🤯 Ouch 🤯. It is still fun to think about though.

Yoon Park’s “Type In Space for HoloLens 2” – Spatial Typography in Mixed Reality (2019)

Composer Jeff Rona on Experience Creation (and also Deadlines)

I really enjoyed Jeff Rona’s interview on Darwin Grosse’s Art + Music + Technology podcast.

It’s all about creating experiences. It’s about creating… not creating an emotion but creating a space in which the audience can have an emotion.

Jeff Rona on Art + Music + Technology with Darwin Grosse.
Podcast 363: Jeff Rona, August 29, 2021

Also this little snippet on deadlines is excellent.

“…your creativity is limited not by what you can do but what you can do by the end of the day today…”

Jeff Rona on Art + Music + Technology with Darwin Grosse.
Podcast 363: Jeff Rona, August 29, 2021
Jeff Rona on Art + Music + Technology with Darwin Grosse.
Podcast 363: Jeff Rona, August 29, 2021

Prince worked really really hard.

Morris Day’s interview with the Questlove Supreme crew (June 22, 2021) is really great. I was particularly wowed by his comment about Prince’s work ethic. Prince would rent out an empty club so he could review the night’s performance and critique the entire band. Prince seemed like a nightmare to work for but… I try to remind myself about his commitment to excellence when I get that urge to slack off.

And so you know… I was video-ing the shows. And that’s something that stuck with Prince throughout his career. And, I don’t care… You know, even when we did the Musicology tour with him, or the dates that we did do. He would make everybody, his band, and everybody had to go to whatever club he rented out afterwards and he would have that show on the projection and everybody had to watch it.

[Questlove Supreme hosts react with laughter and astonishment.]

Getting on the musicians, ‘Hey you were behind on that song.’ ‘Hey you did this wrong…’ the whole thing, the whole show. Every show he did that.